Synopsis - Kiev in 1941: Watching the Red Army withdraw from the Ukraine in the case of Hitler's relentless advances. Sister's Natasha and Lisa Smirnove realized their lives were about to change.
My thoughts - I was asked by a friend if I liked the book "German Midwife " and that I might like the "Sister's of War" by Lana Korichek.
I fell in love with this book! It was a great! Sister's of War was a page turner and drew me in from the first chapter. Sister's of War was about what people go through during the most horrible time in our history. It was a war of great magnitude. It affected Natasha and Lisa and their family and friends in several areas. This book was well written and you can see the author research of the time period. There were areas of this book that made me cry and laugh. It made me wonder how people survived during this time. Beside being a page turner, there was adventure and romance.
I will gladly recommend this book to family, friend's and my local library.
I will give this book a 5 out of 5.
I received this complimentary copy from Netgallery for a honest review. All thoughts and opinions are mine.