Saturday, August 31, 2024

Serenity's Secret

 I know every time I pick up one of Lisa Jones Baker book's I will be captivated from the first page to the last.  Serenity Secret is no different.

Synopsis - Serenity Miller has much to love about life as the owner of the Pink Petal and learning about natural remedies and a love for garage sales.  Then there is when her neighbor Stephen Lantz saved her.

Quote - "That sometimes things happen, and we have no idea why. But Gott does. He's omniscient. He knows our entire life story, including the ending, and we're to trust His plan.

Thoughts - There are so many positive things about this book. You see the relationship between Serenity and Stephen blossom from a deep friendship to a love for each other even though Serenity could never allow it to happen.  You will see how they overcome adversity and put their faith in God. The characters are well written and the story flows nicely.  I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a great Christian book.

Rating - 5 out of 5

Disclaimer - I received this complimentary copy from the author and publisher through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Shield of the mighty

There is nothing better than reading a book that pulls you in from the very beginning! "Shield of the Mighty" by Connilyn Cossette does exactly that.  

Synopsis - Captred by the Philistines as a young boy Zevi has grown into a formidable warrior. He is on a mission as captain in King Sauls army to recruit soldiers, and find talented artisans for the king court. He returns to the town that sent him away after his parent died. The town decided not to sign up to fight for Saul.  

Yochana is a widow who is very skilled at making perfume and healing medicine. She is mesmerized by a stranger who walks into her shop. That is till she realized he's there to recruit men to go to war.  She lost her husband to war!

Thoughts - I have to say that I love the way this author intertwined the story with the biblical time of Sauls reign. You see how Zevi is trying to overcome the pains of his past and protect a town that will not support the war. Then there is Yochana and her pain of losing her husband. Will Zevi and Yochana be able to overcome their past and look to the future. This a great love story!

Disclaimer - I received this complementary copy from the publisher through netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Protector

 The "Protector" by Wanda E. Brunettes is another great book! This author knows how to make the characters and storyline come alive. 

The story will pull you in by the description and by the end of the first chapter. Norman Petersheim is the oldest brother of Rosa, who disappeared after having an argument with her boyfriend, while at young person gathering.  Norman feels responsible of all his siblings, but especially Rosa. Where did she go? Did something happen to her or did she just decide to leave for good. In this book you will see the strain it puts on a family with the not knowing. You see a brother that wished he could do more to bring his sister home and give his family answers, while still trying to live his own life. 

The Protector shows you into the Amish community and also the struggle of the family with the unknown. The storyline is great and the characters are likable.

I highly recommend this book to others!

I received is complementary advanced copy for the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

Into the starlight

 There are several thing I look for while reading a book and "Into the Starlight" by Amanda Cabot has then all!

The first thing is the book has to draw me in before the end of the first chapter. "Into the Starlight did that. The storyline was great through the whole book. It captivated my mind with every line and with every twist and turn.

Next in my list of great things is the characters. I look for well written characters! You can't go wrong with the characters in this book. You will fall in love with Joanna Vaughn, who is a strong woman. Joanna moves back home after the lost of her husband. She left home to try to become a great concert pianist. It was harder than she thought, but at least she tried. She got sick and married her husband, whom died shortly.  Her story was great and you will see her weakness and her strong spirit. Then there Dr. Burke Finley. Burke comes to Sweetwater Crossing with the woman who at one time was engaged to his uncle. They never marry because he disappeared. Della wanted to find out what happens to him and see the beautiful home he was building for her.

The last thing is loving the book enough to give it a high rating.  I read all kinds of books but I do not give it a five out of five if these thing I like in a book aren't there. " Into the Starlight " was a great book and I highly recommend reading it. 

I received this complimentary advanced copy from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.